I can barely express the love I have for the Fuzz Factory. I used to be a bit more of a noisemonger, playing a lot of experimental jazz and incorporating more extreme areas of metal and sound exploration, and had an old Myrold hand-painted FF. I went travelling for some years and all my gear was sold, but selling that pedal was kind of like cutting off an arm. There is just nothing like it... nice fuzz settings may be difficult to find for people who want to sound like their favourite rock star, but still they are there. However, the real beauty in this one is the insane static tones and electric velcro, the self-oscilating abrasion; It doesn't sound like much fun when describing like that but these things are really like orgasmic sound stimulation. At one festival gig I somehow almost lost signal from my guitar but managed to play about a 20-30 minute encore using just my FF and aa delay with expression pedal, using the knobs on the FF to modulate frequency and the delay expression to warp it all into alien soundscapes..
After five years of silence I bought a guitar again, and nearly didn't buy this thing but then I felt the call. It does everything I loved but adds the ability for some nice, thick fuzzes with which the more sensitive user will probably find more comfort after the terror of the original sounds make you ponder what the hell you have just subjected yourself to.
I have too much love for this thing, it MUST be first in your chain for maximum dynamic response (play with your guitar's volume a little and see how much the qualities change) and I'm loving it going into my Wonderlove filter, and even more doubled into my Plasma with the blend of the latter up around half way.
Buying again I was happy to see the Fatty, which expands sonic capabilities even further!