It was a big concern to me what kind of power supply should I buy to feed all my pedals.
I have quite a lot of pedals in my pedalboard with different voltage & ampere requirement.
Just to give you a short insight, I have:
Morley Bad Horsie 2 Wah pedal, Sony DWZ wireless unit, Korg DT-10 tuner, Boss NS-2, Ibanez TS-9, DOD 250, TC Nova repeater, ADA midi switch, Decibel 11 Loop expander, Lehle SGoS, MXR EVH Phase 90, Hotone Reverb.
Couple of pedals needed relatively a huge 300mA supply, others needed a 12V. This situation obviously made the decision more difficult.
After checking literally everything on the market from T-Rex, Voodoo Lab, Carl Martin, Cioks, Dunlop.....I figured out that the best option for me would be the Cioks DC-10.
I must say I didn't regret my decision at all. Very robust unit, indestructible, 10 outlets in 8 isolated section, supplied with plenty of cables.
The only negative thing I can mention is that Cioks uses a RCA plug to connect the cables to the power unit, the normal typical DC plug would be more convenient. But as they put enough cable in the box I can't complain at all.
After connecting everything I realised that the annoying noise and hiss are gone.
The unit is small, easy to fit to any pedalboard, very well made, you can immediately feel the quality as soon as you hold it in your hand.
I really prefer that it has a proper main cable instead of an adapter.
Another useful feature: if something is wrong with any of the outlet (short circuit, incorrect voltage) the relevant red LED with blink accordingly to let you know the problem.
Well worth every penny!!!