I've been using micro amps for awhile now: first Aguilar TH500, then Mesa D800+, and now Darkglass 900v2LE. For the TH500, I bought the Aguilar carry bag -- $60 USD, sturdy, and nicely padded. The D800+ came with a "free" bag which was better than no bag but not nearly as sturdy as the Aggie.
When I switched to the Darkglass amp I investigated a number of carry bags and eventually decided on Darkglass. In short, I'm completely satisfied. Yes, it's expensive, which is why I hesitated, but it fits the amp perfectly and is superior even to the Aguilar bag. It also looks much nicer: I didn't like the huge silkscreened company logo on the Ag bag, whereas the Darkglass bag has an embroidered bass clef mandala (the Darkglass emblem) that's elegant, not excessive. I've been using the Darkglass bag for months now. It's a soft bag and not a road case, obviously, but I move my own gear locally so the bag is perfect: I trust it even when stowing it along with other gear in the back of my wagon.