This pedal is good for the most part but it takes time to find the sweet spots on the knobs for each effect. One thing I don't like is that the tone really changes between the effects, the tremolo really boosts the treble for example, to the point of it being unusable.
Auto-wah - very good as far as I can tell, not much experience with auto-wah.
Phase - quite muddy sound if the range knob is anywhere below 4'clock. I've never been a great fan of EH phase at the best of times but this seems better in comparison to dedicated phasers by EH I've used before.
Tremolo - boosts treble far too much. Probably never going to use it.
Vibrato - Probably the most usable effect on the pedal as it doesn't change the tone of the guitar too much.
Like many EH pedals it needs its own 24v power adapter as well, which is not so great for your pedal board, and shoulder when carrying your gear to a gig. I'm going to see how much I use it, I will probably end up getting mini-sized dedicated phaser and vibrato pedals in the long term as they can go on my daisy chain and will probably sound better...