EMG started in 1974, when Rob Turner founded the company EMG, Inc.. The headquarter is in Santa Rosa, Kalifornien (USA). The number of employees is 93 (status 2010). The German office is business Nobels BK UG GmbH in Hamburg (D).
EMG products are exclusively manufactured in factories in United States.
At the moment we have 228 EMG products - 214 of them are . EMG products have been a part of our range for 31 year(s).
We put effort also into providing detailed information for our customers about EMG products. Only for EMG products you will currently find the following 1718 product images, 177 different 360 panoramic views, 7683 customers' reviews and 5 test reports from magazines (in different languages).
A total of 83 EMG products are top sellers at Thomann at the moment, amongst others in the following categories Humbucker Pickups, Electronics for Guitars, Toggle Switches, Miscellaneous Pickups for Basses, Electronics for Basses and Pickups for 4-String J-Bass.
The current top seller is the following product EMG DG20 David Gilmour. An absolute hit is the following product EMG 81 Black - we have sold this item over 10.000 times already.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on all EMG products. We extend this and offer a total 3-Year Warranty to our customers.
EMG products belong to the most hits on our website. Within the last month products from this manufacturer have had over 400.000 hits on the Thomann Online Store.
Famous musicians who use EMG are James Hetfield, Kirk Hammett, Jason Newsted, Alexi Laiho, Zakk Wylde, Steve Lukather, Prince, Tom Morello, David Gilmour and Eric Roche amongst others.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.emgpickups.com