Sorry Fender, this one does not deserve your logo.
I bought them because I was low on cash (they're cheap!), need new strings and thought to myself that with Fender behind them, they should do the trick. With the cheap price I of course wasn't expecting too much, but this bad?! They are a joke.
They have a total lack of sustain and they are poor in about every aspect you can think of... the tone dies too quick. I play quite fast stuff as well and something is just plain wrong, they're not responding and it's like my fingers getting stuck to them.
They also have no descent character I'm afraid - they have an anonymous tone to them. Other strings might be remembered for their clarity, brilliance or whatever but these are.....tired and lame.
(For your info I've been playing bass for >15 years.)
Next time, I'll starve instead if I have to, so I can buy quality strings.
Once again, sorry Fender, but you should do better. You still have my trust but I'm not buying these particular strings again.