I play with Steamchicken, one of England's premier English Ceilidh bands. I've played harmonica since the Sixties, and am fairly well known in this country as a player of folk music. I've used various makes of harmonica, both diatonic and chromatic over the years. I stopped buying Hohners about twenty years ago because their quality control had become dreadful. They were badly assembled, and I have had on occasion to retune them. In the eighties, I discovered Hering harmonicas and I've used Hering chromatics since. Two years ago, I needed a replacement urgently and found I could not get a Hering in the right key. As a result I reluctantly bought a Hohner. The improvement in quality from the old days was startling, and the instrument is still doing sterling service now. Nice to see such a turn-around in quality, and I shall use Hohners in future.