Hohner Rocket Harp Progressive Db major Harmonica * Tuning: D-flat major * Richter model with plastic comb * Reed plate:...
Hohner Rocket low Harp LF Harmonica * Key: low F major * Progressive Series * Body material: ABS plastic (blue) * Reedpl...
Hohner Rocket Harp C Harmonica * Key: C major * Progressive Series * Comb: ABS plastic * Reed plates made of 0.9 mm bras...
Hohner Rocket low Harp LC Harmonica * Tuning: C major * Progressive Series * Comb: ABS plastic (green) * Reed plates mad...
Hohner Rocket low Harp LD Harmonica * Key: Low D * Progressive Series * Comb: ABS plastic (blue) * Reed plates made of 0...
Hohner Rocket Harp G Harmonica * Key: G major * Progressive Series * Comb: ABS plastic * Reed plates made of 0.9 mm bras...
Hohner Rocket low Harp Progressive LE Diatonic Harmonica * In low E major * Brass reed plate: 0.9 mm * Cover surface: St...
Hohner Rocket Harp A Harmonica * Key: A major * Progressive Series * Comb: ABS plastic * Reed plates: 0.9 mm brass * Cov...
Hohner Rocket Harp Progressive D major Harmonica * Tuning: D major * Richter model with plastic comb * Reed plate: Brass...
Hohner Rocket Harp Progressive Bb major Harmonica * Tuning: B-flat major * Richter model with plastic comb * Reed plate:...
Hohner Rocket Harp Progressive E major major Harmonica * Tuning: E major * Richter model with plastic comb * Reed plate:...
Hohner Rocket Harp Progressive Harmonica * Key: B major * Richter model with plastic comb * Reed plates: Brass, 0.9 mm *...
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