You can find 170 Kala products at Thomann 147 of them are ready for dispatch and 3 offers are in our current Hot Deals. We've had Kala products in our range since 2010.
We put effort also into providing detailed information for our customers about Kala products. Only for Kala products you will currently find the following 1497 product images, 214 sound samples and 511 costumers' product reviews.
At the moment 23 Kala products are top sellers at Thomann, amongst others in the following categories Baritone Ukuleles, Bass Ukuleles, Tenor Ukuleles and Ukelele Strings.
An absolute best seller of the brand is the following product Kala KA-15-C-BNDL Uku Starter Kit. We have sold already over 1.000 of these.
Now you can buy Kala products even cheaper! Only within the last 90 days we have lowered the prices of 31 Kala products.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Kala products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
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