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Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII


Programmable 6-Channel Loop Switcher For Effect Pedals

  • The footswitches provide control over six independent loops and a separate tuner output
  • Extremely simple and intuitive programming
  • 36 Freely configurable presets, 6 banks, 6 presets per bank
  • 2 Selectable switching modes: Play mode, live mode
  • Switchable pre- and post-position buffer prevents signal loss
  • Built-in tuner
  • True bypass / buffered bypass (switchable)
  • 7 Footswitches
  • 4 Push-button switches for programming presets and switching buffers
  • Status LEDs
  • Inputs / outputs: 6.3 mm mono jack
  • Power supply via 9 V DC mains adapter (2.1 mm x 5.5 mm barrel connector, polarity (-) inside)
  • Current consumption: max. 300 mA
  • Metal housing
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 97 x 370 x 54 mm
  • Weight: 1.15 kg
  • Incl. power supply unit

Note: Battery operation not supported.

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Note Register your purchase at for an extended warranty of 4 years.
Available since September 2021
Item number 520004
Sales Unit 1 piece(s)
Type Looper/Switcher
LED Display Yes
PSU Connector Yes
Shape Desktop
MIDI Interface No
1.599 kr
All prices incl. VAT
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Loop switcher in an all-metal housing

They can be found at the feet of pretty much every guitarist: Entire arsenals of effects pedals for shaping their sound. But these beloved companions also require their users to do a tap dance on stage whenever they want to switch between sounds, and that is exactly where the Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII comes in, providing six programmable true bypass effect loops and 36 presets for storing individual effect on/off configurations that facilitate smooth switching between the most complex sounds without interruption with a single tap. Compared to similar loop switchers on the market, the L6 MKII particularly stands out thanks to its switchable input and output signal buffers, integrated tuner, and the extremely compact and robust metal housing that is characteristic of Mooer products.

Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII programmable six-channel loop switcher for effects pedals
Display on the Mooer L6 MKII Pedal Controller

Guardian of the signal

The L6 MKII offers two operating modes: Play mode allows previously stored sounds to be directly recalled from up to 36 preset slots (which are organised in six banks with six presets each) using the footswitches, while Live mode in turn enables the six footswitches to activate the corresponding effect loops. Live mode is the ideal choice whenever users want to adjust their guitar sound in the blink of an eye during a performance or flexibly experiment with multi-effects to create their own signature sound. The Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII delivers a consistently stable signal chain from guitar to amplifier thanks to its true bypass switching, which reliably routes the guitar signal only through activated effect loops and completely bypasses the inactive ones. The mute switch, which is located directly before the master output, allows the entire pedalboard to be muted for noise-free tuning breaks.

Control elements on the Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII

Is the L6 MKII right for me?

The Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII is a loop switcher for small-sized pedalboards that is stripped down to the most essential features, which means that, while special functions like MIDI control and amp channel switching are absent, users benefit from a significantly more budget-friendly price tag. At the same time, the compact L6 MII makes no compromises in terms of sound quality and is therefore suitable for guitarists of all kinds, from amateurs who want to complement their arsenal of effects pedals to pros who are looking for a small yet powerful floorboard controller. The decision as to whether this ultra-compact Mooer looper is a good match for a guitarist's gear should be made based on the following three questions: Are 36 different sounds sufficient, does my setup require no more than six effect loops, and can I go without MIDI or channel switching? If the answer to all three questions is yes, then the Mooer L6 MKII is the go-to choice.

Footswitches on the Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII

About Mooer

Mooer is based in the Chinese city of Shenzhen and has been making products for guitarists since 2010, which include compact single pedals through to multi-effects units and compact amplifiers. The company initially produced a range of mini pedals before making perhaps its most significant breakthrough in 2016 with the sophisticated Ocean Machine delay pedal, which was designed in collaboration with Devin Townsend. Mooer's product range now also includes solutions that feature amp modelling, IR-based speaker simulation, and matching equalisers, and the company's focus remains firmly on the use of digital technology.

Rear panel connections on the Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII

No more tap dancing

The Mooer Pedal Controller L6 MKII effect loop is usually placed between the user's guitar and the amp, but it can also be integrated into the amp's FX loop to place a stronger focus on modulation effects. If long cables are used to connect the L6 MKII to the amp, it is advisable to at least activate the output signal buffer in order to prevent the brilliant sound quality of the guitar signal from deteriorating. To be on the safe side, inexperienced users can also activate both signal buffers and choose the variant they like best once they have set up their sound and effects. And those who prefer to use their own external tuner instead of the L6 MKII's on-board tuner are provided with a designated tuner output connection. By the way: It is of course also possible to connect several effects pedals together to create a single effects loop for even more sonic flexibility.

14 Customer ratings

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11 Reviews

Crazy value for the money!
Stuart P 02.03.2022
My search for a loop switcher began when I wanted to have the ability to instantly switch from a clean signal (reverb, delay, and phaser) to a dirty signal that was just two stacked drives. I originally achieved this with a Boss LS-2, but then I quickly found myself wanting more flexibility.

The L6 does this and more, of course. Comparing to something such as the Boss ES-5, this had all the same features I needed at a much better price point. I don't have the need for midi switching or advanced routing options at this point, nor will I in the near future. The buffers were impressive and I could instantly hear the difference, although being a buffer snob, I opted to use my Tuner with built-in Bonafide Buffer on the input, and the Mooer's buffer just for the output. My one complaint with the buffer system is that it isn't programmable with the channels and it seems that I have to turn it on every time I plug in my pedal board. Not a huge task as there's easy access buttons right on the unit, but sometimes I forget and wonder why my tone is so thin for 10 minutes. With both buffers off, it is true bypass.

Saving presets is a breeze, and unlike the previous gen (from what I've heard) the unit does not drop out at all when switching between them. There is a micro delay from when you hit the switch until it changes, but your audio is going through the whole time, and it's fractions of a second. The unit itself feels very solid, the LED display is the perfect brightness for me, not blinding bright, but bright enough to see in direct overhead lights. There is enough room between each loops jacks to use pancake cable ends.

Overall, I was very impressed with it, time will tell on the durability of the switches/jacks but I am not concerned at this point. I have not had my first gig back yet since covid, but I've been using it at practices for months now, at least twice a week. Highly recommended for a somewhat "bare bones" switcher.


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Neue Generation
6stringquäler 15.07.2022
Ich suchte einen Loop Controller bei dem ich die einzelnen Loops direkt anwählen kann. Da könnte ich ja gleich die einzelnen Pedale schalten, wird da der eine oder andere denken. Dann liefe aber das Signal immer durch alle anderen Pedale mit den dazugehörigen Verbindungskabeln, die mal mehr, mal weniger True im Bypass funktionieren. Da ich viel experimentiere und z.Zt. keine fixen Projekte abzuspeichern habe, ist die Programmierung für mich in den meisten Fällen zu unflexibel. Letztere Möglichkeit nehme ich gerne als Bonus für andere Gelegenheiten mit. Mit dieser dualen Funktion habe ich in der Preisklasse, in der ich gesucht habe, keine Alternative gefunden.
Dieser Controller schaltet bei mir das Wah Pedal und 5 Zerrpedale. Alles andere ist auf zwei weiteren Boards platziert und wird über ein Lehle 1@3 verwaltet.
Mit dem Vorläufergerät, dass ich vor geraumer Zeit mal probiert hatte, war ich nicht glücklich geworden, weil ich kein zuverlässiges Exemplar finden konnte. Der Neue sieht nicht nur schicker aus, bisher läuft er auch ohne irgendwelche Probleme. Das Format hat allerdings auch ein paar Zentimeter in der Tiefe zugelegt, sodass ich mein Pedalboard abändern musste. Eine Eigenheit des Vorgängers hat man auch bei diesem Modell übernommen. Die Taster 1 - 6 liegen nicht vor den dazugehörigen Anschlüssen sondern verlaufen gegenläufig dazu: die Taster von links nach rechts, die Buchsen von rechts nach links. Finde ich seltsam, erfordert aber nur kurze Eingewöhnung.
6 Loops, kein MIDI, keine Amp-Umschaltung wird nicht jedem genügen (Punktabzug), mir reicht das z.Zt. Den eingebauten Tuner werde ich nur verwenden, wenn ich mit jemandem spiele, der nicht meinen bevorzugten Kammerton von 432 Hz verwendet. Bisher habe ich ihn noch nicht ausprobiert.
Die Programmierung ist echt easy. Allerdings finde ich die Bezeichnungen, die im Handbuch aus dem Internet für die beiden Schaltmodi verwendet werden in Bezug zu den Kürzeln im Display eher verwirrend. Aber das hat man dann auch bald kapiert.
Bezüglich der Funktion der Buffer bin ich mir noch nicht ganz im Klaren. Sie buffern ohrenscheinlich, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob ich damit konsistente Ergebnisse erziele. Das werde ich noch genauer beobachten müssen.
Etwas blöd ist die Tatsache, dass im sog. Live Modus, also die direkte Anwahl der Loops, die beiden rechten Taster zusammen gedrückt immer den Tuner anwählen und gleichzeitig den Durchgang zum Ausgang stilllegen. Bei allen anderen Tastern kann ich zwei gleichzeitig drücken und die beiden entsprechenden Loops werden geschaltet. Ansonsten ist alles gut anwählbar und dem direkten Zugriff übersichtlich vor die Füße bzw. Hände gelegt.
In einer anderen Bewertung las ich, dass eine arge Verzögerung bei der Umschaltung vorliegt. Das kann ich bisher nicht bestätigen. Vielleicht tritt das ja im Programm Modus auf, den ich ja z.Zt. nicht benutze oder es handelt sich um ein fehlerhaftes Exemplar?
Bezüglich der Haltbarkeit noch ein Punkt: Die Buchsen sind alle nicht mit dem Gehäuse verschraubt und haben ein wenig Spiel innerhalb der Gehäuseöffnungen. Das ist bestimmt nicht Live- oder Proberaum-tauglich oder auch schon für ständiges Umverkabeln bedenklich. (Punktabzug) Ansonsten von meiner Seite: Daumen hoch!


google translate fr
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Big delay when switching !
Eric61 23.02.2022
Well build, easy to program, but way too much delay when switching between loops !
Direct return !!!!


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Perfecto para combinar hasta 6 pedales
gliccioni 12.06.2024
Lo he usado por mas de un año y va de maravilla, lo uso mas que todo en el modo preset, aunque el modo live va bien para probar cada pedal individualmente y ajustarlo dependiendo de la sala y el amplificador, tal vez lo unico que no me gusta es el color, pero la usabilidad es perfecta va muy bien con la fuente de poder Palmer WT PB 40 que deja conectar los seis pedales, el pedal afinador y el conmutador.
