Bundle offer comprising
Singing Bowl
Felt Mallet
Peter Hess phKS9-U2 + phFS-3w Bundle offer comprising Peter Hess phKS9-U2 Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bow...
Peter Hess phKS9-G Singing Bowl * Diameter approx. 21 - 22 cm * Height approx. 8 cm * Known as the 'joint bowl' (or as t...
Peter Hess phKS9-02 Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowl - The large heart bowl * The large heart bowl weighs...
Peter Hess phKS9-XL 10 kg Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls - The XL Singing Bowl 10 kg * Made of 12 meta...
Peter Hess phKS9-Kb Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Resonance Dishes - The "bulgy head bowl" * Ø approx. 12 cm * Heig...
Peter Hess phKS9-SP Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Singing Bowls - The solar plexus bowl * Ø approx. 23.5 cm * Heigh...
Peter Hess phKS9-01 Singing Bowl * Peter Hess® Therapy Resonance Bowls - The small heart bowl * The small heart bowl wei...
Peter Hess phKS9-G-p permanent coating Singing Bowl * Joint or universal bowl * Diameter: approx: 21 - 22 cm * With perm...
Peter Hess phKS9-02/GÖ-Low Singing Bowl * Large heart bowl with handle and hanging loop (inside/outside) * The large hea...
Peter Hess phKS9-02-High Therapy singing bowl * Big heart bowl * The frequencies of these bowls mainly address the upper...
Peter Hess phKS9-SG Singing Bowl * Bolo special joint bowl * A new, complementary generation of singing bowls, developed...
Peter Hess phKS9-K Singing Bowl * A thin-walled singing bowl * Weight between 250 and 300 grams * Diameter approx. 14 cm...
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