I've had my HS7s for about 4 years and was looking at upgrading to something like Adam A7Xs etc but decided that ultimately, theres no point buying new speakers if my room isn't right. I don't have the luxury of being able to properly treat my room so I got SoundID instead, thinking at least it will help somewhat before I can get a more permanent setup. Genuinely, this is amazing.
As long as your speakers are already in the right place, it takes about 20 minutes to setup. The process is fairly simple and the software guides you every step of the way. If you mess up you can go back and repeat a step anyway. After you've finished measuring your room you get a graph depicting how accurate your speakers are currently. Despite not having any treatment, I always thought my speakers sounded ok. Turns out I have (had) a -12dB notch at 90Hz and have a number of 3dB peaks and troughs across the low mids. I went through all my favourite reference tracks and was blown away. You can A/B really easily with the software and hearing how I normally listen vs how things are 'supposed to sound' was quite eye opening. The only slight con I have noticed is that keeping the software on 24/7 drains my battery slightly more than anticipated. However, in all fairness I am due a new computer fairly soon (2016 MB Pro).
The only downside is that now all I have to blame are my bad mixing skills!