I bought this file thinking that I would buy some cheap option to get started on fretwork and then buy a proper one when I got good at it... Actually, I've done many setups by now and this file is withstanding the test of time with no issues whatsoever
It does the job pretty well and works fine on any Medium to Jumbo frets, and will last for a long time.
- Quality file that fits 80 to 90% of frets sizes out there
- I like the cable a lot and find it really comfortable for the task. Considering that you shouldn't get too comfortable while you crown the frets (so you stop and don't file away too much), this provides you with the right amount of comfort.
- Being double-sided, it ensures that the file will really last for a long time
- The file is very long, which means you can cover the whole fret surface while crowning, without hitting the guitar neck with the file's cable
Nothing that I can think of...
In sum, I would much rather buy another one of these when this one reaches its end-of-life, than getting a very expensive one that maybe will last for the same amount of time.