I bought this for my daughter to use at home with her full size but light weight keyboard. It appears to be well made and more than sturdy enough for this purpose.
it is easy to adjust the stand to suit the individuals' preferred playing position and it easily folds flat when not in use. Whilst solid and stable, the stand is not exceedingly heavy, so can be lifted without difficulty. Cushioning rings provide sufficient grip to stop the keyboard moving around when it is on the stand, although I wouldn't recommend moving the stand with a keyboard in place.
I would advise potential purchasers to check the specifications, particularly if intending to use the stand with a heavy keyboard or if looking for something which will be subject to constant mounting and de-mounting e.g, in a band situation; I have used professional grade stands which have solid locking pins which prevent the stand from collapsing and such a system might be preferable in such cases.
For home and light use with a light(ish) keyboard, however, this stand represents excellent value.