In overall, an excellent synth. I use it both in the studio and live performances.
legendary ms20 analogue sound
portability (smaller than original, easier to carry)
sturdiness (mine traveled a bit and even fell down one time, no problems so far)
a lot of features, thanks to patch panel and external audio module
wobbly knobs
a bit noisy sound
While some don't like minikeys I personally don't find them as bad as some claim they are. Of course they're not as comfortable as full sized keys, but still perfectly playable. Especially taking in account it's a mono synth and you probably won't use both hands. The sound is a bit noisy, you can hear it really well on triangle waveform and low octaves. I guess it's because they decided to go stay old school, but, in my opinion, it would have been better if they got rid of the noise leak.