The more I use it, the more I love it! No doubt this is one of the best synthesizers. (I never tried the original one, but comparing videos with them for sure the mini is not that powerful, still.. its amazing!)
Yes, its noisy and hissy but thats the way I like it. The filter is the beast here... a totally boring digital kinda synth can get you wet when you push the frequencies to the limits...
Its one of those few synths you will see in every major artist's studio, and not only for collecting dust... I am sure they use it in every song and album they make.
It only accepts note data, so for example, for automation of filters you have to do them by hand. Which is big fun to do!
It always impress me and probably the only minus is that you cant save presets, but you can just print the blank ones you got together with the synth.
And if by any chance you own a space echo... man... the combination is out of this world... add some reverb to it too and you can even make ambient music...
With a little bit of knowledge and imagination there is nothing that this CHEAP piece of plastic cant make... yes, in my opinion its very cheap! Its the best synth you can get for the money and actually I am pretty sure you cant get something better for even twice of its price!