Bought this bag some time ago, and really like it. It's extremely well built and reassuringly sturdy. It's a very tight fit around the instrument, so there's very little play inside, giving you peace of mind that your bass won't be moving about. Zips are all rugged, everything seems well thought out and durable. It's also nicely stiff, so it stands up on its own and doesn't flop about when the bass isn't inside. That makes it really easy to get the bass in and out.
But there are some quirks. Because it's such a tight fit around the instrument, the headstock gets squashed by the padding, which will cause your tuning pegs to be flattened out. Not a big issue seeing as you'll tune before playing anyway, but obviously not ideal. Also, the front pocket is spacious but there is a gigantic big flap over it which is secured with a metal clasp. This flap has no function at all and is purely cosmetic it seems, and you wonder how much weight could be saved without it.
Not big problems, but worth noting before purchase. Recommended!