Do you mic your drums with 2 overheads, a mic on each Tom, the kick,snare Hi-Hats, etc, etc?
STOP. Instruments are heard through their transduction with the air around them. Mechanical energy changing into sound waves, heard by our ears. It is so much easier to use this relationship by using the microphones far enough away from the drums to allow the microphones to "Hear" the air.
I have been an avid user of close micing techniques in live situations for years. I stopped when I bought the Shure KM 141 stereo set. These two microphone now do the work of 4 or more microphones and I not longer have to fight the drum sound all night long, I let the drummer play and with a pair of these microphones, a mic on kick and if needed a mic on snare for brushes, I have the best drum sound with little eq'ing, dynamics and volume adjustment.
Don't waste your money anymore, try these, they will change your drum micing forever.