Pedal came in a handy retro looking bag. Pedal itself is very heavy and feels sturdy and hard to break. It looks beautiful, at least to me. But, when i tried to stomp it and turn it on, it just couldn't be done. I managed to turn it on by pressing the switch directly with my finger, and i can say the pedal sounds pretty good. It would be better if it had more range but for this price that's really acceptable. When I opened the back of the pedal to see where the batteries go i was mildly disappointed to see there is no casing for battery. You just plug it in and then it lies there with no separation from the electronics.
I contacted Thomann to see what could be done about the turning on/off problem, but they suggested I return the pedal and they will send a new one. I opted for the money back option because I'm scared the next pedal could have the same issue. I know there are some people who are saying that you just have to press it harder, but I just couldn't do it. Even if it did turn on after applying all my body weight on it, I'd still not want a pedal that needs a full body jump on it to use it.