The history of the business Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. goes back to the year 1965, when Jim Dunlop laid the foundations for the company. The headquarter of the business is in Benicia, CA (USA). business employs according to their own data 217 members of staff (status 2010). The official German branch is business Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG in Markneukirchen (D).
Further brands of Dunlop Manufacturing, Inc. besides Dunlop are MXR as well as Way Huge Electronics.
At the moment we have 442 Jim Dunlop products - 427 of them are and 7 offers are in our current Hot Deals. Dunlop products have been a part of our range for 44 year(s).
Dunlop products are state of the art. Every 14th Thomann customer has ordered at least one Dunlop product from us.
To inform our customers as best we can about Dunlop USA products, you will find a total of 89332 media, reviews and test reports on Dunlop USA products on our website - among them the following 2700 pictures, 87 different 360 panoramic views, 186 sound samples, 86291 costumers' product reviews and 68 test reports from magazines (in several languages).
Among our top sellers there are 99 Dunlop USA products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories Wah Pedals, Standard Picks, Guitar Cleaning Products, Volume/Expression Pedals, Frets and Fretwire, Miscellaneous Guitar Straps and Ceramic Slides.
The current top seller is the following product Dunlop Electric Pick Variety Pack. An absolute hit is the following product Dunlop Lemon Oil - we have sold this item over 100.000 times already.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on all Dunlop products. We extend this and offer a total 3-Year Warranty to our customers.
Dunlop products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Within the last month more than one million product pages of the manufacturer have been hit in our Online Store.
Famous musicians who use Dunlop are Zakk Wylde, Billy Gibbons, Kirk Hammett, Robert Trujillo, Slash, James Hetfield, Jerry Cantrell and Buddy Guy amongst others.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on