Owned a Fender Player Precision Bass for a few of years. The player precision element has the disadvantage that it does not always produce a lot of grunt.
After struggling with finding my ideal sound, (believe me I tried tons of strings) I decided to go on a “Precision pickup quest”.
First I tried Fender V-Mod element;
By default, the V-mod sounds a bit dull in the bass due to a design error, if you mirror the pickup parts (top part below and bottom part above) then the pickup sounds pretty good.
Out of pure curiosity and missing a small bit of something in the sound, i tried the Rebel Relic Vintage P pickup and Fender Pure Vintage 63 pickup.
The Rebel Relic Vintage P has a lot of mids and lacks in lows, it has a huge mid grunt. This element is ideal for 50s music, because many bass elements of that time had that character.
However, for contemporary use in a band you also have to have enough low tones and I missed that.
The Fender Pure Vintage 63 pickup has this. Compared to the Rebel Relic Vintage P, this pickup has slightly less middle, slightly less high, more low middle and more bass. Enough grunt. Perfect.
My Fender Pickup quest is over.
I'm happy.
Perfect :-)