The time had come to look at new speakers for my Fender Twin Reverb (this is a 135 watt Silverface Twin made in the 1970s). Originally there were a pair of Eminence Fender Special Design speakers, (one of which had been ripped and repaired). I saw a lot of information online suggesting that a Fender Twin Reverb combined with Jensen C12s is the true American sound, with conflicting views over whether which version (C12k or C12n) were the better tonal choice. The C12K with it's 100w rating seemed to make more sense for my amp anyway (had the amp been a 100w Twin Reverb I may have put more thought into the C12N).
I am very happy with how these speakers compare to the original Eminence speakers. These speakers really beef up the low end of the Fender Twin, while pushing the mids (and the low mids in particular) much more aggressively. The highs are a bit more subtle, however you still get the signature Fender 'sparkle' without too many issues. I do enjoy some heavily distorted riffing on the E string using the neck pickup of my strat then switching to some lead runs using the bridge pickup, and these speakers really respond to this change, providing 'the sound' that I had hoped for.