They keybed is terrible, as expected. But I have seen worse.
The rotary encoder is really hard to turn, which is annoying. And defaults to Volume. And is not really infinite, the firmware is limiting it to values 0-127 unless some tinkering I never bothered with can change this.
The display is a nice, bright 3-letter one with value feedbback. The other function keys are backlit, which was surprising and nice.
USB-C is modern and as it should.
Built in rechargable battery is very nice.
What made me return this is this:
You cannot change the global MIDI channel. This makes it totally unusable when connecting it to stuff like the Seqtrak with fixed channels. I honestly first thought this was me not understanding, other Swissonic gear can do this. But you can't.
No way of changing the rotary encoder function on the unit.